These questions expand on a previous thread of mine, in which I received excellent help:

To shortly summarize that thread, I now have a formula that adds together the values in column B for rows that are labeled "X" in column A, so that for example the setup...

X 1
Y 1
Z 1
X 2

...would return 3 if the condition is defined as "X". The formula looks like this:


(After implementing the above solution I've been told the simpler formula =SUMIF(A:A,"X",B:B) does the same thing, though I have yet to try it.)


(1) Is it possible to make the condition "X" be drawn from a cell value - say D2 - so that when I change the value in D2 from "X" to "Y", this change is reflected in all formulas that refer to D2?

(2) How do I add another condition to either formula above so that it only adds the values in column B for all rows that are labeled "X" in column A and "Z" in column C?