Hi guys,

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I recently started a new job, but the previous worker here wasn't exactly... Apt... with Excel, so everything was very basic, manually input etc. I've managed to clean it up for the most part, and add in a few very useful macros and formulas. Now what I'm hoping to do is this.

We have shifts come in from residential homes that need covering (These vary all through the day, all different times). So what is in place at the moment is that when we get the shifts, we text them out to our worker pool and wait for them to get back to us.
What I wanted was for my excel sheet to automatically check the workers available days compared to the day the shift is needed and for it to produce a list with said workers. Therefore providing me with a list of workers who possibly could work that day, this will cut down the amount of texts I have to send out and therefore reduce cost.

I hope this has explained things OK, and I'm really sorry if I have posted in the wrong place!

Thanks in advance.