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Unable to edit buttons (Spin Button, Command button etc.)

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Unable to edit buttons (Spin Button, Command button etc.)

    Hi, I'm currently doing a project on Excel and I am unable to edit the details for the buttons. For example, I want to have a spin button so a draw it in but when I right click on the button the options are not there. Again with the Command Button I cant assign a macro.

    Its like the excel file I have been working on has infected all the excel programs on computer its opened on (school, home) but if i the computer hasnt been in contact with my file it works fine.

    Can anyone help please

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    Kylus, I'm not sure what's happening, but check to make sure you're using the correct toolbar to create the items. There is the Forms toolbar and the Control Toolbox toolbar.

    Objects from the Forms toolbar, when right-clicked, have an 'Assign Macro' option.

    Objects from the Control Toolbox (aka "ActiveX" in Excel 2007) toolbar, when right-clicked, show options such as Properties and View Code.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    ive been using control box toolbar, now i used forms it worked lol

    been trying to work this out for ages :S

    i am a noob lol

    thanks for ur help

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