Here's the situation:

I have a cell set to equal the value of a different cell

i.e. Say, cell F1 is set to equal the value of cell E1. Except sometimes, I want F1 to return the value of E23, or E115, or whatever. So for one iteration, I may want to read E1 and on the second iteration I may want to read E23.

The row number of the cell I want to read is defined in a different cell.

i.e. If the value of A1 = 1, then I want F1 to read the value of E1. If A1 = 23, I want F1 to read the value of cell E23.

I would like to know how to define cell F1. Is it possible to define F1 such that it reads column E and the row number equal to the value of A1?

Being relatively new to Excel programming, I am not sure which functions I should use to accomplish this, if it is even possible. Does anyone have any suggestions?
