I have a spreadsheet I have created for recording daily food allowances for a popular diet plan. Recently, I decided to fix it up a bit as the food list I was using under the data validation was getting to long and unruly. I split the food list into logically separate lists on different worksheets and gave each list it's own range name from "A" to "J", excluding "C" which cannot be used (it's reserved).
A=Fruits & Veggies
B=Breads, Cereals, Starchy Veg
D=Meats, Poultry & Fish
In column B, I select from a pulldown menu a letter between A and J which represensts the category and also is the actual named range.
In column C, I want to be able to use the Data Validation to limit the pulldown list to the appropriate named range associated with the letter in column B. For instance, if the user has selected "J" for Dairy in Column B, I want the pull down list in column C to show only the items from the named range "J".
In column D I use the Vlookup to lookup the contents of column C and find the number of points associated to that food. That works find using the INDIRECT(B3) function in place of the actual named range in the Vlookup forumla.
However, back to the Data Validation List in Column C. I have tried using the =INDIRECT(B3) in the "source" for the list, but it won't allow me to. If I use =INDIRECT("B3"), my list is confined to the letter in column B (ie. "J") but it does not associate that with a named range and provide me with that list of items in the named range.
Any suggestions?