I have a spreadsheet that I use for simple budget totals.
Range a1:a12 are a month counter ie Jan = 1 June =6 Dec=12
Range b1:b12 are the months of the year (Jan-Dec)
Range c1:c12 are the monthly budget (Different figure each month)
Range d1:d12 are the actual income for that month
I use a vlookup formula to select by number the month I am reviewing.
So if I enter month 7 the formula returns July
What formula do I use, based on the month entered ie 7, to do a sum of the budget column, column C, but only down to line 7 and not the full range c1:c12 ?
I have looked at offset and sumif functions but have not been sure how these work and if tey are correct formulas for waht I want to achieve.
Any suggestions and help would be appreciated.