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VLookup...Wrong Formula?

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  1. #1
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    VLookup...Wrong Formula?

    I have 2 Workbooks. One is invoice data extracted from SAP and the other is a workbook I have to send to the client (has about 10 worksheets containing 5-10 different branches in each worksheet). The layout of the one I send to the client can not change so I am trying to import the values form the 1st workbook (SAP) into the 2nd workbook. What I do now is copy the first 4 columns of data for each branch and paste it into the 2nd workbook.

    I was playing with a VLookup formula but I don’t think that is the correct formula. I need the second workbook to be populated with all the invoice info (Number, Type, Date, Balance) that appears in the raw data workbook.

    =VLOOKUP(H14,'[abcbank raw data sample.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$A+'[abcbank raw data sample.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$E,4)

    H14 is the branch number on the client sheet (I cut the column containing the branch # on the raw data and inserted it before column A).

    Raw Data From SAP
    Number	Type	Date	 Balance 	Account
    1244739	ZF	2/9/2007	              $      72.33 	2236
    1261054	ZF	2/16/2007	 $      50.71 	2279
    1544106	ZF	6/15/2007	 $      59.62 	2279
    1785273	ZF	10/5/2007	 $    213.51 	2279
    1843990	ZF	11/2/2007	 $ 3,504.11 	2279
    1858697	ZF	11/9/2007	 $ 3,796.73 	2279
    1872887	ZF	11/16/2007	 $ 3,550.69 	2279
    1208220	ZF	1/26/2007	 $    693.67 	2281
    1261055	ZF	2/16/2007	 $    424.98 	2281
    1277184	ZF	2/23/2007	 $    378.22 	2281
    1313065	ZF	3/9/2007	              $ 1,125.21 	2281

    Workbook to send to client
    1261054	ZF	2/16/2007	 $      50.71 	SAP# 2279
    1544106	ZF	6/15/2007	 $      59.62 	2279
    1785273	ZF	10/5/2007	 $    213.51 	
    1843990	ZF	11/2/2007	 $ 3,504.11 	
    1858697	ZF	11/9/2007	 $ 3,796.73 	
    1872887	ZF	11/16/2007	 $ 3,550.69

    Let me know if you need a better explanation.

    Last edited by shg; 12-24-2007 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Try this formula

    =VLOOKUP(H14,'[abcbank raw data sample.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$E,Column(B$1),0)
    copied down and across as far as needed.
    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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  3. #3
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    Cool Close

    Thanks NBVC. This is close. I made H14 Constant since that is my branch # I am searching for. When I copy across it works but when I copy down it returns only the values for the 1st invoice from the list. For branch # 2279 there are 6 invoices that I need to copy over. Can the VLookup do that or does it only return the first value in it's search?

    =VLOOKUP($H$14,'[abcbank raw data sample.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$E,COLUMN(B$1),0)

    Attached is a word doc of two of the excel sheets. The 1st page is the raw data and the 2nd page is the form it needs to flow into.
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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    davesexcel- That is an interesting macro. I think I can use that for another spreadsheet I have, but it will not work for this one. I have to have the data put into specific cells so I can't just produce a list.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    This is not a simple exercise using formulas but you could use something like the attached, based on your data.

    Note: formula in B3 is

    =IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$24,$A$3)>=ROWS(B$3:B3),INDEX(Sheet1!B$1:B$24,SMALL(IF(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$24= $A$3,ROW(Sheet1!B$1:B$24)-ROW(Sheet1!B$1)+1),ROWS(B$3:B3))),"")

    which is an array formula which needs to be confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

    which is copied down and across
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