I have 2 Workbooks. One is invoice data extracted from SAP and the other is a workbook I have to send to the client (has about 10 worksheets containing 5-10 different branches in each worksheet). The layout of the one I send to the client can not change so I am trying to import the values form the 1st workbook (SAP) into the 2nd workbook. What I do now is copy the first 4 columns of data for each branch and paste it into the 2nd workbook.
I was playing with a VLookup formula but I don’t think that is the correct formula. I need the second workbook to be populated with all the invoice info (Number, Type, Date, Balance) that appears in the raw data workbook.
=VLOOKUP(H14,'[abcbank raw data sample.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$A+'[abcbank raw data sample.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$E,4)
H14 is the branch number on the client sheet (I cut the column containing the branch # on the raw data and inserted it before column A).
Raw Data From SAP
Workbook to send to client
Let me know if you need a better explanation.