I'm new to Excel, having used Approach for years. I now have an Excel spreadsheet of some 15,000 rows by 10 columns. Some fields of 10 characters and some memo fields.
I am trying to find a simple way to present this large spreadsheet to the public, in a fast way, both for myself and for the viewers with dial-up.
It is a re-constructed roster of an American Infantry Division. There is a lot of interest, but I can't figure out how to show it all. If I simply upload the XLS, it takes a long time to load. And when loaded takes a long time to scroll down to the desired line.
I've looked at some software that might help, but can't afford any of them.
Any ideas most welcome. An example at www.IndianaMilitary.org Select "30th Div" in top row then "Roster" and "117th" in lefthand drop-down menu.