Hi there.
I'm putting together two work sheets for a cost analysis spread sheet.
In one sheet, the user inputs the following:
1. Description i.e. Shovel
2. Cost i.e. $15.00
3. What years cost occurs i.e. 0,4, 10, 19
On the other sheet, have the cash flow model with the following
Year Shovel
3... all the way to 50.
What I want to do is have the column that shows the description at the particular year, to pull the info from the "What Year Cost Occurs" and drop it into the particular cell for that year.
I was first using this function =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($A3,Costs!$C8)),Costs!$B3, "0")
to compare the cell with the data showing the comma delimited string but the problem is that it if a cost occurs in year 10, it reads the 10 as a 1 and a zero so it assumes that year 1 occurs when year 10 is listed.
Any VB scripts out there that can help?
I guess the best way is to take the string, convert it into an array, then search the array, then return the value of the cost if the number matches the array value.
Any help is appreciated.