I have this table:
Week Inventory
746 100
747 80
747 60
747 40
748 100
How can I determaine with a function which is the average inventory in week 747?
I have this table:
Week Inventory
746 100
747 80
747 60
747 40
748 100
How can I determaine with a function which is the average inventory in week 747?
=Average(IF(A1:A10=747,B1:B10)) confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER keys not just ENTER
where A1:A10 is the week range and B1:B10 is the Inventory range...adjust to suit your data
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Here's one way:
entered as an array formula: Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Or you could do a pivot table.
Thank you very much!
This helps alot!
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