Can anyone tell me how to avoid a formula like "=5+3" be automatically substituted by "8" ? I wish to see the result (8) but to mantain "=5+3" in the cell.
Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me how to avoid a formula like "=5+3" be automatically substituted by "8" ? I wish to see the result (8) but to mantain "=5+3" in the cell.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Fabio,
Are you saying you want both the formula and the result in the cell at the same time - like a question and answer?
what are you trying to achieve? If you describe what you want to achieve, rather than how you think it might be achieved, and attached a ZIP copy of your sheet, someone will be able to help you.
Hi Ed,
thanks for your answer.
No, I don't want to have both (formula and value).
The behaviour of the sheet is the following:
I type a formula into a cell (for example =3+5)
I type the Enter key
I see the result (es: 8)
If I put again the cursor in the cell, then I see the formula disappeared and I see the resulting value. The formula has been substituted by the result.
Your answer made me thinking it is not a real problem but a very unpredictable excel behaviour.
So I have been furtherly investigating and I see that if I open the file and then save it again then the problem disappears.
After using the file for a little it appears again.
The file contains also some macros but they should not be responsible of such behaviour.
I really don't understand !!!
I'm not allowed to send the file to the forum but If you think you can help me, then I'm allowed to send the file directly to your e-mail.
Let me know your e-mail address
Hi Fabio,
Generally you will see the result in the cell but if you select the cell, then you will see the formula in the formula bar and the result in the cell.
Have you checked the options for the sheet? It sounds as if these are being altered and this is the problem.
Hi again,
in this case both in the cell and in the formula bar there is the result.
Hi Fabio,
I don't know what is going on - perhaps someone else has an idea and can help?
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