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Report - create summary of transactions

  1. #1
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    Report - create summary of transactions

    Iam not sure where to actually put this thread and I realize that a similar question may have already been answered but I couldn't locate it so if you could point one out great if not here's the question.

    I need to build a workbook to log transactions for a number of games.
    Each week I need to compile the transactions by game and create a summary of payouts and receipts (which is then filed with the state gaming commission).
    Then quarterly I need to create summary of transactions similar to the weekly report only more formal.

    How can I accomplish this using excel. The transactions are being logged for only the specified reporting period for tax purposes, so the quarterly reports are not cumulative.

    I thought about using a pivot table but I don't know much about them. I also think that I may have to use macros but I'm even less knowledgeable about them.

    Please Help!
    Last edited by VBA Noob; 10-02-2007 at 06:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    I think you would need to define the basic layout of the database before someone could help. Can you post an example of what a row of data would look like?

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