Ok. I'm an assistant to a Psychologist and he has me score these vocational placement tests by hand. It takes a while, and I know through excel we could be cutting down the time dramatically. I'll explain the best way I can.

The test takers are shown three pictures. Under each picture is a number. So for example, let's say there is a plane, a car and a train presented for question #1. Underneath those pictures are the numbers 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Those numbers represent a tendency to a certain occupational field. After 55 questions, we can make a pretty good recommendation of where we think they should look for a job (without going into the specifics of the test).

There are 11 occupational fields. In excel, I make those fields A through K. In field L1 through L55 I put in their answers.

Let's say that in all 55 questions, for example, answering 1, 3, and 5 lead to vocational choice K, I want it to tally it up for me automatically. I don't want to have to count those by hand.

I just want to put in the patients answers, and have excel do the work. I tried using the "countif" function, but it doesn't look like you can add multiple conditions.

I need something that will be like this: add 1 each time (as in a tally) to the cell I choose, for the answers that I specify. So, ultimately, it will be tallying up the answers based on which categories that I correspond them to into the respective cells.

So to be redundant... Let's say that answering 3, 7, and 9 to questions 1, 2, and 3 pertain to cell B. After I put those in, I want cell B to have the number 3 in it.

Hope that makes sense!!