I have a spreadsheet whereby the scores of 6 different golfers are entered, and want to have a formula that will automatically calculate the 4 LOWEST scores in order to create one team score. Anyone have a suggestion please? Thank you
I have a spreadsheet whereby the scores of 6 different golfers are entered, and want to have a formula that will automatically calculate the 4 LOWEST scores in order to create one team score. Anyone have a suggestion please? Thank you
if the data in in range A1:A6
Thank you very much Dave. I'll give that a whirl and see if it can work for me. Appreciate your fast response and willingness to assist.
If you're only after the sum of the four lowest scores (as opposed to each individual score), you could try:
This assumes your scores are in A1:A6. Adjust to your range as necessary.
The last answer potentially can give you an erroneous result, if more than one golfer has the 4th lowest score, it will sum them all in the formula, eg
score 72 74 75 76 76 80
SUMIF(A1:A6,"<="&SMALL(A1:A6,4)) would evalute to 72+74+75+76+76 as there is a tie for the 4th smallest
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