Good day all,
this is an issue I've been trying to solve for quite some time now.
I have a sheet that contains three headings: Brand, Model of a car and their prices. My ultimate goal is to achieve the 'dependent list' form, where when I choose one Brand, only Models of that specific brand will be shown in another list/field. I hope this is clear, it further clarification is required - that's not a problem either.
I think I have two options.
1. Pivot tables: Here I could use features like automatic totals, sums and so on, but I encounter problem with connecting two fields (Brand and Manufacturer). Picture of this is also attached. Ideally, since BMW is selected, only it's models would be visible in the second field.
Is this possible to achieve?
2. Dependent lists. But then I loose the totals, sums features that come automatically with Pivot tables, and that requires more coding.
I'm actually asking from you to advice me which way to go, give me useful links or anything that could be of any help.
Thank you very much.