OK I have calmed down :D.

I have Excel 2003. I am working on a spreadsheet that many users (that do not understand Excel nor how to utilize the built in formatting) have had their hands in.

I have fixed previous text formatting problems in each cell by deleting all the spaces users had put in to make the next line of words line up just below the previous one in the same cell. They did not know how to use the SHIFT + ENTER to create a hard return in the cell - wrap text is used but it does not always wrap at the right word thus we need to use the hard returns.

While fixing these cells some of them do not accept the SHIFT + ENTER. It just thinks I pressed the enter key alone. (My keyboard is fine)

Is it possible to have a table in this spreadsheet somewhere and maybe this does not allow me to use SHIFT + ENTER?

Thanks SO MUCH in advance for any help!