I am in process of putting together a form which takes a persons monthly budget and tells them when to pay their bills. The input sheet includes all bills due dates (as applicable) in monthly amounts. The second sheet lists the due dates in 1st column, the accounts in second column, the amounts paid in third column. The column is 39 cells long. I set up a table with top heading running 1 to 30 and dropped it 39 cells down so it is 30x39 cells...and set the due dates to conditinals to match the days in the month and summed cells at bottom so that for instance on the 15th the mortgage $1200.00 and the light bill $300 are due and the total at the bottom is $1500. This sorta calander automatically changes whenever a new item is input on 1st sheet. I need a way to pul the $1200 and $300 out along with their associated accounts... so I can automaticaly populate a third sheet with info summarized so that when it populates the 15th its reads pay mortgage $1200, pay electric $300, withdraw $1500....or that is the general idea..help.