firstly, i have cross-posted this thread so here is the URL for the same thread in the other forum.
whats up everybody? i have to use two excel worksheets that someone else already created to make CSV (comma seperated value) files. these CSV files are to be dumped into a database. the problem is that the table has more fields than the spreadsheet does (the spreadsheet has 3 fields - network, mask, size - and the table has 10 fields). i can insert one entire column before (to the left of) network (for the ID field in the table) without a problem, but when i try to insert entire blank columns after size (to the right of the pre-existing columns) it only makes columns for the first 14 rows. i know this because when i save it as a CSV file there are only 6 extra commas for the first 14 rows. is there a way to insert an entire blank column for the entire spreadsheet (as in all the way to the bottom)? i dont want to have to manually type in all those commas. i am using excel 2002. any help is greatly appreciated! and please ask me to clarify or post some of the spreadsheet if you need me to.