Try this in C2 copied down and across:
Try this in C2 copied down and across:
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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Thanks for the help! It works great.
Cellar Webs
Is there some way to have the cells become invisible if they equal zero on "Day1"? Maybe I have to use a macro. I don't know. I want the computer to erase all the zeros without erasing the format of the cells. Your code worked great for what I wanted to do before, thanks.
Cellar Webs
There are a few ways.
1. You can update your formulas in Day1 to be part of an If() statement such as the one I gave you before....e.g. =IF(your_formula=0,"",your_formula) where your_formula is your current formula residing in the cells.
2. A more global way is to go to Tools|Options and in the View tab uncheck the "zero values" checkbox.
3. With Conditional Formatting. Select the entire range. Go to Format|Conditional Formatting and select Cell Value Is >> equal to >> =0
Then click Format and from the Font tab, select White from the colour pallet to match your sheet background. Click Ok. Click Ok again.
4. Select cells go to Format|Cells and select Custom from the Number tab. Enter: 0;-0; as type
Last edited by NBVC; 06-05-2007 at 04:40 PM.
hi, I have the same question, but with a different formula. All I want to do is to add all my cells in the same row together, but if the total is zero I want it to show nothing.
Something basic as =SUM(A1:A10)
Thank you in advance !
Originally Posted by marcus23x
I went with option #2. Thanks again.
Cellar Webs
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