Hi Guys,

I have a spreadsheet that I use to reference what is happening on a daily basis.

In cell AA1 I have the formula '=today()' and then I have in column 'B' a list of courses that start on certain days and if they match todays date then I change the font colour to Red and courses starting tomorrow are formatted to Orange using the condion 1: 'Cell Value eual to' and then '=$aa$1' and for condition 2 '=$aa$1+1'.

I have a formula using weekday and a lookup table to show the days of the week Sunday being 1 and Saturday being 6 the lookup table will return the day name respectively.

What I wanted to know is when the cell containing the vlookup data for the days of the week equals 'Friday'. Is there a way to get conditional format to check cell the cell 'aa3' to see if it equals friday and then have a 3rd condition where is would change the colour of Mondays courses that are starting.

So basically somewhere along the lines of: if cell aa3="Friday" then format '=$aa$1+3' to what ever colour font I require.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.