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Using condition format to check if day equals Friday

  1. #1
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    Smile Using condition format to check if day equals Friday

    Hi Guys,

    I have a spreadsheet that I use to reference what is happening on a daily basis.

    In cell AA1 I have the formula '=today()' and then I have in column 'B' a list of courses that start on certain days and if they match todays date then I change the font colour to Red and courses starting tomorrow are formatted to Orange using the condion 1: 'Cell Value eual to' and then '=$aa$1' and for condition 2 '=$aa$1+1'.

    I have a formula using weekday and a lookup table to show the days of the week Sunday being 1 and Saturday being 6 the lookup table will return the day name respectively.

    What I wanted to know is when the cell containing the vlookup data for the days of the week equals 'Friday'. Is there a way to get conditional format to check cell the cell 'aa3' to see if it equals friday and then have a 3rd condition where is would change the colour of Mondays courses that are starting.

    So basically somewhere along the lines of: if cell aa3="Friday" then format '=$aa$1+3' to what ever colour font I require.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards.

    Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Good afternoon Zyphon

    Set up conditional formatting in cell AA3 with the following parameters :

    Formula Is


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  3. #3
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyphon
    I have a formula using weekday and a lookup table to show the days of the week Sunday being 1 and Saturday being 6 the lookup table will return the day name respectively
    You don't really need a LOOKUP table for that. If you have a date in A1 you can return the day of the week with the formula


  4. #4
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    Thanks for the tip, that is a much simpler way to do it.


    Thanks for your help, however I don't think I explained myself to clear.

    What I needed was for the conditional format to check for Friday in cell AA1.

    If cell AA1 did equal Friday then it would automatically highlight Monday's date for me also. In this case it would be the value of AA1 say for the Friday just gone, 18/05/07, now in the cell next AA2 using the formula daddylonglegs just gave me. So I need to highlight Monday so it would be aAA1+3.

    Basically I have it highlighting Friday ok as I just need it to check for a Friday and then highlight Monday also.

    Is this possible?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Not sure I have this right but if you want to format AB1 if AA1 is the weekday before then try conditional formatting AB1 using "formula is" with the formula


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