When I insert a row in my table, I want the formulas from the above row (or below row) to be copied down to my newly inserted row. I say "below row" as well in case I want to insert a new first row and want the formulas in the row underneath to be copied up.
e.g., formulas currently in the first row are:
Column A: =SUBTOTAL(3, $B$5:B5)
Column H: =IF((F5="N*"),(1),"")
Column I: =IF(((SUM(H$4:$H5))=(SUM(H3:$H$4))),"",(SUM(H$4:$H5)))
Column J: =I5
Any other values in the other columns should not be copied to the new row.
I also do not want my table to be scrambled if I should delete any particular row.
Thank you.