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Extracting strings of text from Columns of data(text)

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welshmagic69 Extracting strings of text... 04-23-2007, 08:53 AM
NBVC Assuming Original String is... 04-23-2007, 10:57 AM
welshmagic69 (slight Problem If this can... 04-23-2007, 01:08 PM
NBVC Does this work? ... 04-23-2007, 01:24 PM
welshmagic69 Still a few problems 04-23-2007, 01:59 PM
  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Extracting strings of text from Columns of data(text)


    Can any help me please to extract strings of text from Columns of data(text) ?

    What I have is a column of data(text) which contains amongst all the text three strings of text in ever cell in the column which I require copying into three adjoining cells

    The data I require is :-

    (a) The persons name which is always after the word ‘Requester’ e.g. Requester Steve Robinson

    (b) Their office location which is directly after the persons name and is in brackets e.g. (Newcastle User)

    (c) The Approving persons name which is preceded by ‘Approved by’ e.g. Approved by Christine Hunting

    See examples 1 & 2 below

    Example 1

    CR0/CRZ3651 Requestor Steve Robinson (Newcastle User) Tel: 01234 798157 Approved by Christine Hunting

    Please install and configure 2 Ultra 2s (typhoon and lancaster) for use as ARTE workstations. These workstations require Solaris 2.5.1 plus the same patches as before

    Example 2

    CR0/CRZ3118 Requestor Doug Cunningham (Newport User) Tel: 0114 9881480 Approved by John Smithers

    Please provide support to set up Cisco 2691 Router and PIX-506E Firewall to enable external connection of a remote terminal for project work.

    As you will appreciate the text in the cells is of non standard lenght and the three pieces of information can be located virtually any where in the text

    Any assistance on this matter would be grateful appreciated

    Many thanks

    Rob aka welshmagic69

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Assuming Original String is in A1:


    =MID(A1,SEARCH("Requestor ",A1)+10,SEARCH("(",A1)-(SEARCH("Requestor ",A1)+11))
    Office Location:

    Approved By:

    If this occurs always at the end:

    =MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))
    If this can occur anywhere within string:

    =IF(ISTEXT(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))),MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1)),MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,FIND(" ",SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))," ","#",1))))
    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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  3. #3
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    Question (slight Problem If this can occur anywhere within string:


    Many thanks for your prompt reply it is very much appreciate - Obtaining the persons name and office location works brilliant, however, when I try to use the code to locate 'Approved by' using your code that assumes that 'Approved by' can be anyway in the text i.e.

    =IF(ISTEXT(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))),MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1)),MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,FIND(" ",SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))," ","#",1))))

    I get the following results (using the data from my two examples)

    "Christine Hunting Please install and configure 2 Ultra 2s (typhoon and lancaster) for use as ARTE workstations. These workstations require Solaris 2.5.1 plus the same patches as before"

    "John Smithers Please provide support to set up Cisco 2691 Router and PIX-506E Firewall to enable external connection of a remote terminal for project work.

    In addition after the last character of their names there are two little squares being display before the rest of the text e.g. Christine Hunting [] [] Christine Hunting

    Any help would be invaluable


    Rob aka welshmagic69

  4. #4
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Does this work?

    =IF(LEN(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1)))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))," ",""))=1,MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1)),MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,FIND(" ",SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,SEARCH("Approved By",A1)+12,LEN(A1))," ","#",1))-1))

  5. #5
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    Question Still a few problems


    Hi still a few problems with the last code (in column D) of my attached example, in that D1 is ok, D2 has John Smithers [][]Please, D3 is ok, D4 has "Thomas Guy [] Please" and D5 is ok.

    I think the problem lies where there is a Ctrl +enter in the Column A

    Any ideas

    Rob aka welshmagic69

  6. #6
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    I don't see any attachments. Please try attaching your sample sheet again.

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