I have several dozen files that are all formatted the same way-Three columns, with an ID in the first row, a field name in the second, and a value in the third (most files contain about 5000 rows of data and about 50 field names):
234 Year 2004
234 Season Spring
234 Name WSDE4
345 Year 2003
345 Season Spring
345 Name WSDE3
I want to create a row (record) based spreadsheet, with the Field names across the top and all of the data for a single ID in one row:
ID Year Season Name
234 2004 Spring WSDE4
345 2003 Spring WSDE3
Pivot Tables work great for organizing the rows and columns, but the text-based data does not come through. I tried most formulas, and combinations of formulas, but i can't find the right combo to get these files re-formatted without a lot of copying and pasting. I am hoping that someone can provide the magic bullet that will let me write a macro to format these sheets programatically versus manually.