Thanks for looking.

Question 1:
I have a spreadsheet that I use the auto format function on. When I search one of the columns that has text to display only records that are "complete" for example, those records are displayed, but the row numbers jump around and I need to figure out the easiest way to count the number of records with a certain status.

Currently, I am inserting a column and putting a 1 next to each record and using the sum function.

Is there an easier way?

Question 2:
I have an access DB that generates a spreadsheet for me and I would like to have a macro available that does some simple formatting for me.

I have figured out how to make a macro, but it only seems to work when I am using the file I created the macro in.

When my DB generates the next excel report, the macro is no longer available.

Any thoughts?

Thanks very much for your time.