I am sure that this is possible, because in Excel everything seems possible, but this is way beyond me and requires a logic genius as much as an Excel one.
I am a member of an athletics club and I have been charged with working out the long distance running club championship.
In the club Championship there are going to be 16 races. The athletes will be awarded points for their finishing position. 15 points will go to whoever finishes first, 14 for second and so on. If there are more than 15 runners, which there will be in some races then whoever finishes first will get a number of points equivalent to the number of runners running. But this bit is irrelevant to the problem
What I need is a formula which calculates the 7 highest scores for each runner.
Unfortunately there is more to it than that. 5 of the races will be a short distance on road, 5 will be a short distance off road, 3 will be a medium distance off road, 1 will be a long distance on road, and 2 a long distance off road.
The following criteria will apply for the full 7 scoring races.
At least 1 race must be long distance.
At least 1 race must be medium distance.
There must be no more than 5 short distance runs counted.
There must be no more than 3 short distances on rod counted.
2 of the races must be off road of different categories. i.e. long and medium.
A runner who does less than 7 races will still score in the championship but he must still satisfy the above conditions. So for example a runner who did only 5 short road races could only score for 3 of them.
Sorry this is very complicated.
To make it easier for me I have arranged the runs in category order rather than chronological order.
So for the first runner in cells c3-g5 are the five short runs. In cells h5 to l5 are the 5 short off road runs, in cells m5 to o5 are the3 medium off road runs. In cell p5 is the long on road run, and in cells q5 and r5 are the long off road runs.
In cell S5 I need to find a formula which calculates the athletes 7 best (or less) scoring events that takes into account all the above conditions from the point of view that it does not matter if he does not do a long run as long run as long as he has no more than 3 short runs on road counting in his total or whatever.
This is beyond my brain power. Is it possible?