
I am trying to get Excel 2000 to put the displayed text from one cell into the cell "value" of another cell. I have a LISP program in AutoCAD that looks up and changes text. If I create a text entity in a drawing and give it the names of a cell ("A1"), the LISP routine searches a specified worksheet for cell A1 and changes the text entity to the cell value. I want to use this to create labels for stuff in my drawing.

I made a custom format for the cells in Excel to display "30 ft." when the cell value is 30.00. When I run my LISP program, it returns the un-formated cell value to my label. I get "30.00000" instead of "30 ft."

Can I somehow make a new range of cells who's underlying value is the same as the formated displayed text in another range of cells?
