I have a similar problem.
I have a problem that occurs with MS Excel 2003 Professional but not MS Excel 2000 Professional. I am on Windows XP.
The Macro runs without an error message, but instead of completing, it seems to be stuck in a loop where it keeps forcing blank lines to print.
The piece of code causing the problem is below:
Set myRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
For Each rw In myRange.Rows
If insertNextRow Then
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End If
insertNextRow = False
If rw.OutlineLevel = 3 Then
insertNextRow = True
End If
Next rw
This part of the macro inserts a row between subtotalled groups only. This works in Excel 2000 but in Excel 2003 it will keep inserting lines forever unless you break out of the macro.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.