
Excel 2003 on XP.

Is it possible to perform more than one change in a Worksheet change event module?

For example, end users will be copying and pasting from an unformatted source spreadsheet to a template. I would like to ensure that various conditions are imposed on different columns (e.g. forcing CF conditions for maximum characters, Proper case in some, Upper case in others, inserting spaces into some columns based on data entered in another, etc). The reason for this is the number of end users and the huge differences in their exposure to basic Excel functions. The easiest scenario is to allow them all to simply copy and paste from the spreadsheets they receive so that the final data meets the necessary requirements of the template. This template is then used by another application to perform bulk uploads to another system. Provided everything on the template is correct, success of the bulk upload is pretty much guaranteed. If the template is wrong, there is a risk of failure of the action and we are then dependant upon the user recognising the failure and acting on it. (Yes ... I know that's what SHOULD happen ... )

Or am I asking too much of one module?