Let’s consider below scenario:
I have 5 different Pivot tables (different source per each pivot); each pivot table may not have all the product names or may not have all the weeks (either nothing sold in that particular week or a particular product didn't sell in a particular week)
So in order to summarize the different pivot tables into one I created another table which includes a list of all products in a column and the week numbers per month in a row (I’ll have to update the Week numbers every month); the issue here I am not successful in consolidating all different pivot table into one table as some may have all products over the 4 weeks of the month and some may not. Please check attached file as an example and please help me out adjusting my formula:
Current formula used:
=IF(ISERROR(IF(B$54=B$11,VLOOKUP($A55,$A$11:$G$19, 2,FALSE),0))=TRUE,0,IF(B$54=B$11,VLOOKUP($A55,$A$1 1:$G$19,2,FALSE),0))+IF(ISERROR(IF(B$54=B$25,VLOOK UP($A55,$A$25:$G$37,2,FALSE),0))=TRUE,0,IF(B$54=B$ 25,VLOOKUP($A55,$A$25:$G$37,2,FALSE),0))+IF(ISERRO R(IF(B$54=B$43,VLOOKUP($A55,$A$43:$G$51,2,FALSE),0 ))=TRUE,0,(IF(B$54=B$43,VLOOKUP($A55,$A$43:$G$51,2 ,FALSE),0)))
Thanks in advance for your help,