Hi All.
I am having a problem with data that I import from a .txt file into excel. I have a .txt file that contains readings from an air conditioning unit that are recorded every 15 min only when the machine is on. I bring this data into excel and would like to search through it to find the appropriate date and time on my excel sheet. Then paste this found data to the relevant date and time. Sounds simple right? Well it would not work because when excel converts the data from the .txt file to serial time, the rounding is different (see example below) and cannot find a match. I have considered using the mm/dd/yyy 00:00 AM/PM format as text, but ran into more problems trying to advance the search 15 min every time. (in serial time I just add (15/1440), which is (min/min in a day))
Date/Time: 11/6/2006 6:15 AM
Excel Calculated Serial Num: 39027.2604166666
Imported Serial Num: 39027.2604166667
I dont know if I am missing somthing or just doing it wrong!
Any Help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!