Quote Originally Posted by deesh123
Ah, we are getting much closer to the answer!

I forgot one detail. See the following example:

Variable Key:
θ = Bench pess weight on Day X
t = Barbell curl weight on Day X
α = Leg press weight on Day X

Day X

Exercise Name   Bench P        Barbell Curls     Leg Press
"12 Set"        θ*.50            t*.50              α*.50
"10 Set"        θ*.75            t*.75              α*.75       
"8 Set"         θ*.85            t*.85              α*.85
"6 Set"         θ                t                  α
How can I have a cell where all I need to change is X, which represents one day (or in excell's case one column of data), and have the rest of this chart get broken down as shown above. Remember that θ, t, and α change depending on the day.
Assuming your 'day' is in row 6, then try

="θ = Bench press weight on "&A6&" "&B6