I'm sorry I wasn't clear - this requires a simple solution to a complex concept.
I will have to be more specific. This excel sheet is for a 12 day weight lifting program.
I have 12 columns representing each day of lifting. Each row represents an exercise.
Here is an example:
Exercise Name Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Bench Press 100 110 120 130 140
Barbell Curls 10 20 30 40 50
Leg Press 200 210 220 230 240
Above, each exercise has a weight assigned to it for each day. This is where it gets tricky. The number above denotes the weight I will do for my set of 6 repetitions. Before I do that set of 6 repetitions, I warm-up with a set of 12 repetitions(at 50% of the weight assigned to 6 repetitions) a set of 10 (at 75% of the weight assigned to 6 repetitions) set of 8 at (85%of the weight assigned to 6 repetitions).
On the same excel sheet I have a section that I will select and print out each day to use as reference while at the gym. I would like this section to call on a certain day and break down each exercise as I've explained above
Here is an example:
Day 1
Exercise Name Bench P Barbell Curls Leg Press
"12 Set" 100*.50 10*.50 200*.50
"10 Set" 100*.75 10*.75 200*.75
"8 Set" 100*.85 10*.85 200*.85
"6 Set" 100 10 200
I can't figure out a way for an excel sheet to call on a specific column, or in my case a specific day, and then apply multiplication to it.
Please let me know if I am still not clear? I am willing to E-mail my sheet if need be.