
I've tried to post the below before, but noone seems to know the answer, so I will throw the gauntlet again:

I would like to make a pivot table based on three colums:

1: A company name
2: A Date
3: A colum with two different kinds of text strings...lets call the column name "Value" and the possible values: "A" and the other "B".

The pivot table is set up with company name in the top row and Date in the left colums. In the data area i have Count of "Value".

This gives me two colums with the count of "A" and "B" broken down on company names and dates.

What I want is to show only the "A" column as a percent of a total count of both values..so for company name (Microsoft) and date (01.01.2006) i want a percentage of count of A divided by count of A + B.

However I also want to show this as a graph, but without showing B.

Here the problem: When I hide B, the percentage for A goes to 100%, because I have defined A as "% of row". Naturally when i take B out of the equation, % of row is 100%.

So how can i include B in the calculations, but not show it on the graph? In the pivot table I can naturally just hide the column, but the graph is more tricky.

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thx. in advance.
