I am unfamiliar with how Access handles printing.
You might want to review the Excel help files dealing with Views.
It allows you to retain custom worksheet arrangements and print them.

Also, one can copy a picture of a selection by using a semi-hidden feature
of Excel. Hold down the Shift key and click the Edit menu.
The displays a "copy picture" menu option.
You could experiment with copying pictures of your various selections and
placing them on a new sheet. That works best when gridlines are not shown.
or printed.

The Print Selections Only program of mine, stacks pictures of each selection
one above the other, on as many pages as needed and prints them.
Sounds like what you want.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Bryan Bloom" <>
wrote in message
Thanks Jim, I will give this a try. But is there a way to take your data in
a spreadsheet and make a "report" that prints out, much like how Access
works? Perhaps that is what the program you suggest does...

My real problem is in my spreadsheet I cant put a certain group of cells
below another one because the column widths need to be different so I am
putting that group on a different part of the spreadsheet. But if I simply
print it out it won't look how I want as I want the part with the wider cells
printed below the first group. Hope that makes sense.


"Jim Cone" wrote:

> Bryan,
> You will have to copy the various areas on to a new sheet
> in the order that you want and print from there.
> - or -
> The free Excel add-in 'Print Selections Only' may do what you want.
> Download from ...
> No registration required.
> --
> Jim Cone
> San Francisco, USA
> "Bryan Bloom"
> <>
> wrote in message
> I have several areas on one spreadsheet. Because the columns had to be
> different widths, I couldn't put everything in a format to print out easily.
> What is the best way to print out different areas so that they all fit a
> certain way and on one page. I know this is kind of like a report in Access.
> Is there some way to do this, lay it out the way one wants? If so, what is
> this called and how do you do it? Thanks so much for any help.
> Bryan Bloom