Gathered some info from datafiles, not very interesting, but they contain a
time-date that I want to copy.

Format: "ss:mm:hh dd/mm/yy"
So I select the entire column, right-click, select "Format Cells" and go to
the number tab and select 'custom'.

There I type a new 'Type' in the form of, you guessed it, "ss:mm:hh dd/mm/yy"

Then I copy
"00:00:10 20/04/06"
and it comes out looking like this:
"00:00:10 20/04/06"

Then I copy
"01:00:10 09/08/06"
and it comes out looking like this:
"10:00:01 08/00/06"

Please, please shoot me because this is exactly the kind of thing that I
encounter more often and that makes me bounce off the walls. This really
really REALLY sets me off and makes me want to start to throw stuff through
windows. All values above are actually copied from the data-file (opened in
Ultra-Edit) and the excel-file respectively.