Hi guys,
I am having an incredibly frustrating time attempting to understand the above functions.
My Set up is as follows:
Sheet 1 (S1), - list of clients that acted between certain dates
Column A, Client Unique ID [text]
Column B, Date which client first acted.
Sheet 2 (S2) - list of clients signed up between certain dates
Column A, Clients sign up date
Column B, Clients Unique ID [text]
Column E, =COUNTIF(Sheet1!A:A,B2) ~ Number of Times client appears on sheet 1
My Aim for S2 Column F.
IF, Column E in S2 >0, to look up the corresponding first action date for that client in S1.
Atm the formula I would of though to work correctly is:
=IF(E1>0,VLOOKUP(B1,Sheet2!A:B,2),"Not Acted")
However this brings the wrong date.
Please can anyone advise on this matter and let me know where i am gonig wrong.
Many thanks.