Forget about that one, not correct.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

"Niek Otten" <> wrote in message news:%23ZtXs4VwGHA.1304@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| <#2, data is sorted in date order then user ID>
| Then the 4th argument of your VLOOKUP should be FALSE instead of omitted (which defaults to TRUE)
| --
| Kind regards,
| Niek Otten
| Microsoft MVP - Excel
| "samprince" <> wrote in message
|| DO not understand
|| #1, I'm looking trying to match text with text and return the date that
|| corresponds in the next colum. All are correctly formatted
|| #2, data is sorted in date order then user ID.
|| #3, there are no spaces in the user ID's
|| #4 & #5 I dont have a forumula yet, what i gace is my assumption of how
|| it should work but does not.
|| --
|| samprince
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