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password protect multiple worksheets in excel

  1. #1

    password protect multiple worksheets in excel

    Can anyone help me, I am trying to find a vba code that will allow mw
    to select a number of excel worksheets to apply protection to in one
    I have a workbook with 50 w/sheets and i only need to protect 30 of
    them can i get a code that will allow me to choose the relevant sheets
    that I wish to protect without all of the worksheets in the workbook
    being protected.
    I used to have a macro that did this but my version of excel was
    updated and I lost the macro on my personal.xls.

    Can anyone help!

  2. #2
    Ken Johnson

    Re: password protect multiple worksheets in excel

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Can anyone help me, I am trying to find a vba code that will allow mw
    > to select a number of excel worksheets to apply protection to in one
    > go.
    > I have a workbook with 50 w/sheets and i only need to protect 30 of
    > them can i get a code that will allow me to choose the relevant sheets
    > that I wish to protect without all of the worksheets in the workbook
    > being protected.
    > I used to have a macro that did this but my version of excel was
    > updated and I lost the macro on my personal.xls.
    > Can anyone help!

    The following macros worked for me. Edit "password" to suit your

    To protect some sheets first use Shift-Click Sheet tabs to group those
    sheets for protection then run the following macro...

    Public Sub ProtectSelectedSheets()
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Dim ncProtect As New Collection
    For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
    ncProtect.Add Item:=Sht
    Next Sht
    For Each Sht In ncProtect
    Sht.Protect "password"
    Next Sht
    End Sub

    To Unprotect some protected sheets first use Shift-Click Sheet tabs of
    sheets to group them for removal of protection then run the following

    Public Sub UnprotectSelectedSheets()
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Dim ncUnprotect As New Collection
    For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
    ncUnprotect.Add Item:=Sht
    Next Sht
    For Each Sht In ncUnprotect
    Sht.Unprotect "password"
    Next Sht
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  3. #3

    Re: password protect multiple worksheets in excel

    Ken thank you very much they work excellent... much appreciate it.
    I am being lazy, but is there any way that when you run the macro a
    dialogue box would pop up prompting you to enter a password of your

    many thanks for your help its excellent!!!!!

    Ken Johnson wrote:
    > [email protected] wrote:
    > > Can anyone help me, I am trying to find a vba code that will allow mw
    > > to select a number of excel worksheets to apply protection to in one
    > > go.
    > > I have a workbook with 50 w/sheets and i only need to protect 30 of
    > > them can i get a code that will allow me to choose the relevant sheets
    > > that I wish to protect without all of the worksheets in the workbook
    > > being protected.
    > > I used to have a macro that did this but my version of excel was
    > > updated and I lost the macro on my personal.xls.
    > >
    > > Can anyone help!

    > The following macros worked for me. Edit "password" to suit your
    > needs...
    > To protect some sheets first use Shift-Click Sheet tabs to group those
    > sheets for protection then run the following macro...
    > Public Sub ProtectSelectedSheets()
    > Dim Sht As Worksheet
    > Dim ncProtect As New Collection
    > For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
    > ncProtect.Add Item:=Sht
    > Next Sht
    > Worksheets(1).Select
    > For Each Sht In ncProtect
    > Sht.Protect "password"
    > Next Sht
    > End Sub
    > To Unprotect some protected sheets first use Shift-Click Sheet tabs of
    > sheets to group them for removal of protection then run the following
    > macro...
    > Public Sub UnprotectSelectedSheets()
    > Dim Sht As Worksheet
    > Dim ncUnprotect As New Collection
    > For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
    > ncUnprotect.Add Item:=Sht
    > Next Sht
    > Worksheets(1).Select
    > For Each Sht In ncUnprotect
    > Sht.Unprotect "password"
    > Next Sht
    > End Sub
    > Ken Johnson

  4. #4
    Ken Johnson

    Re: password protect multiple worksheets in excel

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Ken thank you very much they work excellent... much appreciate it.
    > I am being lazy, but is there any way that when you run the macro a
    > dialogue box would pop up prompting you to enter a password of your
    > chosing?
    > many thanks for your help its excellent!!!!!


    You're lazy? What about me! I had the audacity to sleep for six and a
    half hour just before you sent your reply:-) I'm in Sydney Australia so
    it was around 11:30 pm when your reply came through, just after I
    retired for the evening, hence the delay. I guess you're now asleep,
    adding to the delay.

    Anyway, try these changes...

    Public Sub ProtectSelectedSheets2()
    Dim MyPassword As String
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Dim ncProtect As New Collection
    For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
    ncProtect.Add Item:=Sht
    Next Sht
    MyPassword = InputBox("Enter your password")
    For Each Sht In ncProtect
    Sht.Protect MyPassword
    Next Sht
    End Sub

    Public Sub UnprotectSelectedSheets2()
    Dim MyPassword As String
    Dim blnPasswordFail As Boolean
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Dim ncUnprotect As New Collection
    MyPassword = InputBox("Enter the password to use")
    For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
    ncUnprotect.Add Item:=Sht
    Next Sht
    For Each Sht In ncUnprotect
    Sht.Unprotect "password"
    Next Sht
    If blnPasswordFail Then
    MsgBox "One or more Sheets not unprotected!" _
    & vbNewLine & "Check their password(s)."
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Exit Sub
    WRONG_PASSWORD: blnPasswordFail = True: Resume Next
    End Sub

    It would be nice to have the password appear as *****, rather than the
    actual text, as you enter it into the input box.
    It would also be nice to have the password double checked before it is
    used by the protection macro.

    However, that will have to be my next project.

    Hope you're happy with the way they are inspite of their deficiencies.

    Ken Johnson

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: password protect multiple worksheets in excel

    A few second ago, you agreed to adhere to the rules. Read Rule 11 and then delete the content of your post, Scottambrose. otherwise someoene else will do it for you and bar you from this site.

    None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU

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