I want to combine the totals of this row and the next "x" rows, depending on whether Row B (our invoicing 1-1400(which has merged cells)) matches with Row K (data designation(ie. data1, data2, data3 are the options for Row K), then total from Row O (funds per line).
To do this I have tried the following option, but have run into the excel too many parameters for calculation constant.
=IF(B20<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K20,"Rig 11",O13:O20),IF(B19<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K19,"Rig 11",O13:O19),IF(B18<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K18,"Rig 11",O13:O18),IF(B17<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K17,"Rig 11",O13:O17),IF(B16<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K16,"Rig 11",O13:O16),IF(B15<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K15,"Rig 11",O13:O15),IF(B14<>B13+1,SUMIF(K13:K14,"Rig 11",O13:O14),SUMIF(K13,"Rig 11",O13))))))))
Please help, if you comprehend my question.