Can I have the program automatically fill 10 columns of 10 rows with numbers
from 1 to 100? I am using Excel 97 on an XP Home machine. Thanks in
Tony Vella in Ottawa, Canada
Can I have the program automatically fill 10 columns of 10 rows with numbers
from 1 to 100? I am using Excel 97 on an XP Home machine. Thanks in
Tony Vella in Ottawa, Canada
I'm sure there are tons of ways to do this. Here's one.
- Enter the numbers 1 and 2 in cells A1 and B1 respectively
- Highlight cells A1 and B1
- Right click hold the small square in the lower right hand corner of the highlighted range.
- Drag over 8 more columns, let the mouse button go and select fill series
- Now select cell A2 and input =A1+10
- Copy Cell A2 to Cells A2:J10
- copy the entire range and paste values over them
To insert code into the VBE (Visual Basic Editor)
- Copy the code.
- Open workbook to paste code into.
- Right click any worksheet tab, select View Code
- VBE (Visual Basic Editor) opens to that sheets object
- You may change to another sheets object or the This Workbook object by double clicking it in the Project window
- In the blank space below the word "General" paste the copied code.
How do you want the output?
For the first example, enter this formula in top left cell of the grid:
For the second example:
Copy the formula across to 10 columns then down 10 rows.
Then, if you want to get rid of the formulas and convert them to constants:
Select the grid of cells
Goto Edit>Copy
Then, Edit>Paste Special>Values>OK
"Tony Vella" <> wrote in message
> Can I have the program automatically fill 10 columns of 10 rows with
> numbers
> from 1 to 100? I am using Excel 97 on an XP Home machine. Thanks in
> advance.
> --
> Tony Vella in Ottawa, Canada
Hi Tony,
Here's a couple macros, one for numbers across and one for numbers down.
For numbers across you will need to name a 10 by 10 cell block Data, or any
name you wish, and then change Data in the code to your name.
Sub NumbersAcross()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
For Each Cell In Range("Data")
Cell.Value = i
i = i + 1
End Sub
Sub NumbersDown()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Cell As Range
For i = 1 To 100
ActiveCell.Value = i
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
If ActiveCell.Row = 11 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-10, 1).Select
End If
End Sub
"Tony Vella" <> wrote in message
> Can I have the program automatically fill 10 columns of 10 rows with
> numbers
> from 1 to 100? I am using Excel 97 on an XP Home machine. Thanks in
> advance.
> --
> Tony Vella in Ottawa, Canada
Here's a macro that allows you to choose your orientation and range.
Who knows.......maybe some day you will need 115 x 186 matrix<g>
Sub FillNums()
'to fill rows and columns with numbers from 1 to whatever
Dim nrows As Integer
Dim ncols As Integer
On Error GoTo quitnow
RowsorCols = InputBox("Fill Across = 1" & Chr(13) _
& "Fill Down = 2")
Num = 1
nrows = InputBox("Enter Number of Rows")
ncols = InputBox("Enter Number of Columns")
If RowsorCols = 1 Then
For across = 1 To nrows
For down = 1 To ncols
ActiveSheet.Cells(across, down).Value = Num
Num = Num + 1
Next down
Next across
For across = 1 To ncols
For down = 1 To nrows
ActiveSheet.Cells(down, across).Value = Num
Num = Num + 1
Next down
Next across
End If
End Sub
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:01:31 -0700, "L. Howard Kittle" <>
>Hi Tony,
>Here's a couple macros, one for numbers across and one for numbers down.
>For numbers across you will need to name a 10 by 10 cell block Data, or any
>name you wish, and then change Data in the code to your name.
>Sub NumbersAcross()
>Dim Cell As Range
>Dim i As Integer
>i = 1
>For Each Cell In Range("Data")
> Cell.Value = i
> i = i + 1
>End Sub
>Sub NumbersDown()
>Dim i As Integer
>Dim Cell As Range
>For i = 1 To 100
> ActiveCell.Value = i
> ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
> If ActiveCell.Row = 11 Then
> ActiveCell.Offset(-10, 1).Select
> End If
>End Sub
>"Tony Vella" <> wrote in message
>> Can I have the program automatically fill 10 columns of 10 rows with
>> numbers
>> from 1 to 100? I am using Excel 97 on an XP Home machine. Thanks in
>> advance.
>> --
>> Tony Vella in Ottawa, Canada
800 ****.. lol good stuff
never took a gre; im a dropout
I've spent $30 grand in classes in the past 5 years though
Harlan Grove wrote:
> wrote...
> ...
> >I would rather use pen and paper than excel
> ...
> No doubt produce as many errors, too.
> >btw, what did you score on your math SAT prick??
> 800. What'd you score on your math GRE?
Since this thread is quite new, thought I'd give you all a quick heads up:
Aaron and Harlan have been engaged in their ridiculous tete-a-tete for over a year, now. As you can easily see from how Aaron responds, any replies he gives to you are completely useless. And since Harlan never responds to anyone in this forum, his replies are useless as well.
All I can really say about Aaron is that he is one of those clowns who brags a lot and says little. As in the case here, where he claims to have spent $30,000 over five years on classes. He definitely learned nothing about anything.
Incidentally, he was fired from Microsoft for two reasons: his ineptitude and his mouth. Do a search on "Aaron" or "Aaron Kempf" or "dbaHooker" in this forum and you will see some pathetic examples of his garbage. wrote...
>And your stupid MMULT? i can use that in analysis services out of the
Really?! How? Analysis Services/MDX lacks its own MMULT function, and
it's Excel function library also lacks it. So how would you perform
matrix multiplication with Analysis Services? Provide some details . .
.. if you're able.
greaseman wrote:
> Since this thread is quite new, thought I'd give you all a quick heads
> up:
> Aaron and Harlan have been engaged in their ridiculous tete-a-tete for
> over a year, now. As you can easily see from how Aaron responds, any
> replies he gives to you are completely useless. And since Harlan never
> responds to anyone in this forum, his replies are useless as well.
I think everyone wopuld agree with you 100% that Aaron is useless (even
Aaron). However, please explain the Harlan comment.
No need for me to defend Harlan (this is my cue to defend Harlan).
Harlan can be challenging to deal with and would likely admit that
himself, but he provides a ton of help and usually responds quickly.
Take his tough-love and you can learn a lot.
In these threads, Harlan is merely exposing Aaron as a fraud. Sure, it
detracts from the group, but some of us (me) enjoy the Aaron Kempf
trainwrecks. wrote:
> a FRAUD?
and useless
I'm not USELESS i'm just the only one that gives a **** abotu the 100
million spreadsheet dorks that are taking it easy; copying and pasting.
it's not a way to run a company.
it's not a good way to have a growing career
what is this envy you've got?
you're jealous because I've got balls to do high-end SQL work and
you're stuck writing stupid little spreadsheets?
there is hope for you--
Jay Petrulis wrote:
> wrote:
> > a FRAUD?
> >
> and useless
Aaron, are not useless. I say that because useless is a value and you have no value.
The only thing you ever mumble about is copying and pasting, since that is al you apparently know how to do.
The rest of us '100 million spreadsheet dorks' are quite content to USE EXCEL THE WAY IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE USED!!!!! Is your head such a vaccuum that you can't get that????????
All I can say is that I hope you have a glass belly button. Why?? Because your head is so far up your butt, that that's the only way you'll ever see anything! wrote...
>right click NEW in windows explorer.. create a new 'Access Application'
>open it up by double-clicking
>right-click import your spreadsheets
Yeah, that works so well with spreadsheets that aren't just collections
of simple tables. No doubt it exemplifies your standard work product.
I'm wearing the juice of your wives' stanky snatch
She is in love with me because I'm a playboy billionaire database
developer-- think Larry Ellison-- whereas you're a nickel-bag idiot..
working in a gas station
ADP Nationalist
Jay Petrulis wrote:
> wrote:
> > great article Jay.
> >
> > of course-- it is discussing you worthless Excel dorks that use Excel
> > for everything.. right?
> >
> > because you don't know any better?
> >
> What are you wearing today? Lemon juice? Apple juice? Orange?
> Tomato? A smoothie?
Hey Aaron,
Shouldn't it be "skanky", not "stanky"? You also switch from plural ("your wives'") to singular ("She is...").
So, besides being a moron, and a completely ignorant one at that, you can't spell and you sucik at grammar.
My, my, my...... wouldn't you make the ideal employee (sarcasm intended).
You must've been an only child --- at least that's what your sister says.
most spreadsheets ARE simple tables.
of course you idiots mix subtotals into your DATA. lol.
Excel should be able to have FAKE ROWS in the middle.. so that you can
display subtotals... but when someone goes to import it; it doesn't
cause problems
Harlan Grove wrote:
> wrote...
> >right click NEW in windows explorer.. create a new 'Access Application'
> >
> >open it up by double-clicking
> >
> >right-click import your spreadsheets
> ...
> Yeah, that works so well with spreadsheets that aren't just collections
> of simple tables. No doubt it exemplifies your standard work product. wrote...
>most spreadsheets ARE simple tables.
Maybe the ones you've seen, not the ones I've seen.
>of course you idiots mix subtotals into your DATA. lol.
Subtotals in tables are unwise, but subtotals in exhibits meant to be
printed are just what's expected from subtotals.
>Excel should be able to have FAKE ROWS in the middle.. so that you can
>display subtotals... but when someone goes to import it; it doesn't
>cause problems
If you had a clue how to use Excel, you could figure out how to remove
the subtotals. It's not that difficult, but no doubt way outside your
You should always check source files before importing. Arbitrary text
files would be just as unpredictible.
Your problem is that database tables are the only data structure you're
comfortable using, so your wee brain can only conceive of other data as
tables. When they're not, you need your meds.
Harlan Grove wrote:
> ...When they're not, you need your meds.
Best taken with lemon juice.
They're MORE POWERFUL than your baby spreadsheets.
I have worked with Excel for years and years and years.
And then I woke up and realized that it's impossible to submit a query
against 400 different spreadsheets.. so i took some classes and found
some pride.
Excel is for babies.
Harlan Grove wrote:
> wrote...
> >most spreadsheets ARE simple tables.
> ...
> Maybe the ones you've seen, not the ones I've seen.
> >of course you idiots mix subtotals into your DATA. lol.
> Subtotals in tables are unwise, but subtotals in exhibits meant to be
> printed are just what's expected from subtotals.
> >Excel should be able to have FAKE ROWS in the middle.. so that you can
> >display subtotals... but when someone goes to import it; it doesn't
> >cause problems
> If you had a clue how to use Excel, you could figure out how to remove
> the subtotals. It's not that difficult, but no doubt way outside your
> competence.
> You should always check source files before importing. Arbitrary text
> files would be just as unpredictible.
> Your problem is that database tables are the only data structure you're
> comfortable using, so your wee brain can only conceive of other data as
> tables. When they're not, you need your meds. wrote:
> blah, blah, blah
> -Aaron
But you wore the juice! wrote...
>They're MORE POWERFUL than your baby spreadsheets.
Then it should be simple for you to show us how to take such simple and
powerful tables storing matrices and produce inverse matrices and
matrix products. Go on.
>I have worked with Excel for years and years and years.
And have never figured it out. Sad.
>And then I woke up and realized that it's impossible to submit a query
>against 400 different spreadsheets.. so i took some classes and found
>some pride.
Yes, and some toddlers take pride in piling up mounds of their own
excrement. For them reaching into their diapers is age-appropriate and
indicates some cleverness (even though it finds an unfortunate outlet).
You seem to take similar pride in the mounds of newsgroup excrement you
produce, but in your case it's not age-appropriate or a sign of
cleverness. As for your CLAIMED work product, you probably can't show
it to anyone other than your unfortunate clients. All you could show is
answers to questions posed in newsgroups, but you don't provide any as
a rule. Are you to scared, too lazy or too incompetent to answer
questions rather than rant?
In one of his other rantings, Aaron discussed how he went to a large company (inhis role as consultant (hah!!)) and told them how bad their data was and how he would clean it up in a matter of hours; he also told them how stupid they were. And further, Aaron, in the same rant, then discussed how that company decided not to use him!!
Aaron, Are you to scared, too lazy or too incompetent to show your CLAIMED work product???
You give new meaning to the term brain-fart.
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