Use the Indirect function, which allows you to constract formula with
text input, i.e.
Since my drive are obviously differently arranged I can't try this
function. Important is, that you remember the apostrophy before your
drive, as in 'D:\SampleScenarios\...
Either make the user include it, or arrange the formula accordingly, as
God luck wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out the proper syntax so that i can type in a
> function into a cell that looks like this:
> =AVERAGE(LN('D:\Sample
> Scenarios\[EuropeanBond.xls]EuropeanBond'!$H$6:$CI$1005))
> The tricky part is that the drive letter will change depending on where
> the file is being read since it will be on a CD, while the entire
> string is pointing to another file on the CD.
> let's say i have the user input the drive letter in a cell on a
> different sheet at Setup!$A$1 how would i properly insert the
> single/double quotation marks to make this formula work? I have tried a
> bunch of ways but I keep getting the REF or VALUE errors. Here is an
> example of what i've tried:
> =AVERAGE(LN(Setup!$A$1&":\Sample
> Scenarios\[EuropeanBond.xls]EuropeanBond!$H$6:$CI$1005"))
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Herman