I am seeking some advice on the best solution for a small program I
have to build. I need to design a program which can be launched in
Excel, would acquire some data from Excel, then run some cash flow
calculations (so mostly working on multiple small arrays with a lot of
conditions and simple calculations) and would run some monte carlo
So basically I need a program which would be fast enough so that I can
run my calculations 1,000s of times in a reasonable time, that would
have access to a proper random number generator (I guess I have to go
for a commercial product for that, any suggestion?), and which could
easily communicate with Excel.
For the moment I think I can run that in VBA. C++ is quite unflexible
and would probably require a little more time to code my stuff. In top
I would have to manage the interface between VBA and C++. On the other
side, I don't know how much faster the program would run under C++
compared to VBA. Can C++ really save some time on functions like if,
loops, while, and simple array calculations? (there will be no access
to excel between the begining and the end of the program).
If anyone has an opinion or a suggestion, I am happy to take it!
Best regards