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Automatic Feeding

  1. #1

    Automatic Feeding

    Each January 1st, I start a new Workbook for my little business, and in each of these workbooks, I have a compilation worksheet that I have data from other worksheets that feed to it automatically.
    My question is:
    Is it possible to have a stand-alone Workbook that acts only as a compilation of the yearly workbooks and have the data from each of these yearly workbooks feed automatically into the new stand-alone Workbook?

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    automatic feeding!


    as far as i know
    i've only heard abt stand alone PC!!!

    ..stand alone WORKBOOK???...

    it's my pleasure to have the explanation..!!!!


    Quote Originally Posted by lsmft
    Each January 1st, I start a new Workbook for my little business, and in each of these workbooks, I have a compilation worksheet that I have data from other worksheets that feed to it automatically.
    My question is:
    Is it possible to have a stand-alone Workbook that acts only as a compilation of the yearly workbooks and have the data from each of these yearly workbooks feed automatically into the new stand-alone Workbook?

  3. #3
    Please excuse my written language as it is a reflection of my speech.
    "Stand alone workbook" is only my way of saying a "workbook". My intention is that it would be a separate workbook from my yearly workbooks. It's all MS Excel, just different workbooks. I suppose it would be easier to understand if I just asked if/how one could automatically have data transferred from one workbook to another workbook.
    I've learned how to move data from one worksheet to another worksheet within the same workbook, just can't see how to do it from one workbook to another workbook.

  4. #4

    Re: Automatic Feeding

    The procedure for moving data between WSs is the same as moving data between
    The only difference being the path.

    You can make XL do most of the work for you in creating this path (link).

    Don't forget, in using functions, data can only be *pulled* from the source
    The source WB cannot *push* data to the target WB.

    Easiest is to open *both* WBs.

    In the target WB, type an = sign in the cell to *pull* (link) a particular
    cell of data.

    Navigate to the source WB and click in the cell containing the data to
    And hit <Enter>.

    You should now have the data from the source WB cell, displayed in the
    target WB cell.

    Look at the formula (link) XL created for you in this target cell.
    You can now duplicate the path in this formula to create other links, or you
    can follow the same procedure and allow XL to create these additional links
    for you.


    Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

    "lsmft" <lsmft.2bq24g_1154201707.4688@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:lsmft.2bq24g_1154201707.4688@excelforum-nospam.com...

    Please excuse my written language as it is a reflection of my speech.
    "Stand alone workbook" is only my way of saying a "workbook". My
    intention is that it would be a separate workbook from my yearly
    workbooks. It's all MS Excel, just different workbooks. I suppose it
    would be easier to understand if I just asked if/how one could
    automatically have data transferred from one workbook to another
    I've learned how to move data from one worksheet to another worksheet
    within the same workbook, just can't see how to do it from one workbook
    to another workbook.

    lsmft's Profile:
    View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=566286

  5. #5
    Thank you for your reply, however it is not working for me. I must be doing something wrong, just don't know what. I have created a target workbook to act as a compilation of other workbooks. I clicked on a target cell in a worksheet with an equal (=) sign, then went to the workbook that I am pulling that data from, clicked on the desired cell and all it did was advance to the next lower cell in the pull from worksheet. I went back to the target workbook and it still showed an equal (=) sign, as if I hadn't done anything else. ??????????????? What now?

  6. #6
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Automatic Feeding

    Sounds like you forgot to hit the <ENTER> as instructed.

    >In the target WB, type an = sign in the cell to *pull* (link) a particular
    >cell of data.

    >Navigate to the source WB and click in the cell containing the data to
    >And hit <Enter>.

    Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

    On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 19:23:47 -0400, lsmft
    <lsmft.2bqcru_1154215508.7734@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    >Thank you for your reply, however it is not working for me. I must be
    >doing something wrong, just don't know what. I have created a target
    >workbook to act as a compilation of other workbooks. I clicked on a
    >target cell in a worksheet with an equal (=) sign, then went to the
    >workbook that I am pulling that data from, clicked on the desired cell
    >and all it did was advance to the next lower cell in the pull from
    >worksheet. I went back to the target workbook and it still showed an
    >equal (=) sign, as if I hadn't done anything else. ??????????????? What

  7. #7

    Re: Automatic Feeding

    I read it the *other* way Gord.

    I think the OP typed an = sign, hit <Enter>, and then clicked back into that
    cell, and then started to navigate.

    To Ismft,

    Type the equal sign into a cell -
    *Then* start to navigate to the other WB.

    *DON'T* do anything between keying in the = sign and clicking in the source
    WBs cell.


    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
    "Gord Dibben" <gorddibbATshawDOTca> wrote in message
    > Sounds like you forgot to hit the <ENTER> as instructed.
    > >In the target WB, type an = sign in the cell to *pull* (link) a

    > >cell of data.

    > >Navigate to the source WB and click in the cell containing the data to
    > >*pull*,
    > >And hit <Enter>.

    > Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
    > On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 19:23:47 -0400, lsmft
    > <lsmft.2bqcru_1154215508.7734@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:
    > >
    > >Thank you for your reply, however it is not working for me. I must be
    > >doing something wrong, just don't know what. I have created a target
    > >workbook to act as a compilation of other workbooks. I clicked on a
    > >target cell in a worksheet with an equal (=) sign, then went to the
    > >workbook that I am pulling that data from, clicked on the desired cell
    > >and all it did was advance to the next lower cell in the pull from
    > >worksheet. I went back to the target workbook and it still showed an
    > >equal (=) sign, as if I hadn't done anything else. ??????????????? What
    > >now?


  8. #8
    Thanks again!!!!
    I did get it to work this time, but only by tileing the workbooks, for whatever reason. I noticed on my "Compilation" Workbook that I lose the ability to "click and drag" as I have been able to do when moving data to a compilation worksheet within the same workbook. I can work around that though, so thanks again.

  9. #9

    Re: Automatic Feeding

    Glad you got it working ... BUT ... you *don't* have to "click and drag"!

    Once more:

    Click in the cell.
    Type the equal sign.
    Mouse cursor down to status bar and click on name of source WB.
    Click in cell containing source data.
    Hit <Enter>, and you're done!

    Another way, since you say that you've tiled some of your WBs.

    With *both* cells (source and target) visible on your screen:
    Click in target cell,
    type in = sign,
    Click in source cell, and hit <Enter>.

    *No* need to drag anything!


    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !

    "lsmft" <lsmft.2br5pe_1154253005.5184@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:lsmft.2br5pe_1154253005.5184@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Thanks again!!!!
    > I did get it to work this time, but only by tileing the workbooks, for
    > whatever reason. I noticed on my "Compilation" Workbook that I lose the
    > ability to "click and drag" as I have been able to do when moving data
    > to a compilation worksheet within the same workbook. I can work around
    > that though, so thanks again.
    > --
    > lsmft
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > lsmft's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=566286

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