Why do you need to merge the cells? It sounds like you have two columns of
data related to the same thing (customer, product, department, month, etc.)
and you want one column instead which combines the numbers.

Why not add a new column to the right of the matching columns? Copy the
heading label from either of the other columns to the new one. In every row
with values to be combined, enter this formula: =RC[-2]+RC[-1] (enter it
in one cell & copy to others). Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting
from one of the other columns. Copy & paste the new column in place as
values. Delete both of the old columns and you are done!

Hope this helps,


"trib" wrote:

> Hi, I have a big Excel challenge in front of myself and I hope that
> someone can help me with it. I have attached a file to better show you
> what I actually need help for.
> Basically I have to merge those cells that have one and the same
> title/label. At the same time the values in each column for each pair
> of equal labels should be merged and summed.
> Do you know an easy way to achieve this result?
> Thanks in advance for your time!
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |Filename: sample.zip |
> |Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5124 |
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> --
> trib
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> trib's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=36682
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=566135