I understand the solution of . . . .
Now, I am going to throw one more issue into the problem.
What if I have a third column containing text (such as "revenues" and
I need to add all the revenues for all the midwest departments into one
cell. Or, I need to add all the expenses for all the midwest departments
into one cell.
"Mike Moore" <mmoore@apci.net> wrote in message
> Is there a better array formula construction than the one described below?
> I have two columns. Column A contains department designations (i.e. dept
> A, dept B, dept C, dept D, etc). Column B contains dollar amounts.
> The formula parameters are to sum multiple designated departments into one
> cell.
> I have the following formula developed:
> {=sum((a1:a100=dept a)*(b1:b100))+sum((A1:a100=dept c)*(b1:b100))}
> Instead of having two sum statements, can the formula be condensed to one
> sum statement? For example,
> {=sum((a1:a100=And(dept a, dept c))*(b1:b100))}
> I have tried the above formula, but could not get it to work.
> Second question - is it possible to set up the array formula to deal with
> conditions that change? For example, department A and department C belong
> to the Midwest region. However, next year department C belongs to the
> Southwest region and department B belongs to the Midwest region.
> I don't want to have to change hundreds of array formulas due to
> department changes.
> I have thought about using named ranges that designate a list of
> departments belonging to regions. However, I have been unsuccessful in
> this approach.