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How to Identify Values in Common Between 2 cells

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  1. #1

    How to Identify Values in Common Between 2 cells

    I have a spreadsheet that contains cells that each have a range of values.
    For instance, 1 cell might have the values of 1-15. The next cell might be
    11-20. I want to set up another table that compares each combination of 2
    cells, and identifies the common values. In this example, that would be
    11-15. The answer could either be expressed as 11-15 or 5, with 5 being the
    number of numbers in common between the 2 cells' values. I would prefer 5.
    I am new to this, and am hopeful that someone has dealt with this need
    before. Thank you for your assistance.

  2. #2

    RE: How to Identify Values in Common Between 2 cells

    When you say one cell has the values 1-15, is it literally "1-15" or is it 1,
    2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc (all in one cell)?

    Assuming the first scenario:
    A1 = 1 - 15
    A2 = 11 - 20


    entered with Control+Shift+Enter.

    If the second, I would probably try to split the data so that one number was
    in a cell. Say F1:F15 = 1 through 15 and G1:G10 = 11 through 20, then
    again entered with Control+Shift+Enter.

    Or, maybe use VBA to create a user defined function:

    Function Test(rng1 As Range, _
    rng2 As Range) As Long
    Dim var1 As Variant
    Dim var2 As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    var1 = Split(rng1.Value, ",", -1, vbTextCompare)
    var2 = Split(rng2.Value, ",", -1, vbTextCompare)

    For i = LBound(var1) To UBound(var1)
    If IsNumeric(Application.Match(var1(i), var2, 0)) Then _
    Test = Test + 1
    Next i
    End Function

    syntax is =Test(A1, A2). You could change the name of the function to
    whatever you want.

    "ahofeld" wrote:

    > I have a spreadsheet that contains cells that each have a range of values.
    > For instance, 1 cell might have the values of 1-15. The next cell might be
    > 11-20. I want to set up another table that compares each combination of 2
    > cells, and identifies the common values. In this example, that would be
    > 11-15. The answer could either be expressed as 11-15 or 5, with 5 being the
    > number of numbers in common between the 2 cells' values. I would prefer 5.
    > I am new to this, and am hopeful that someone has dealt with this need
    > before. Thank you for your assistance.

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