I am getting an overflow error. Below is the code. Please help me
with the fix. I am actually comparing data of two sheets and printing
Matched/Not Matched in the third sheet.

Sub compare()

Dim j As Integer, k As Integer

Set rngSheet_res = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Compare").Range("A2:BL1000")

For j = 2 To 1000
For k = 1 To 100
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RC").Cells(j, k).Value =
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("FM").Cells(j, k).Value Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Compare").Cells(j, k).Value = "Matched"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Compare").Cells(j, k).Value = "Not
End If
Next k
Next j
End Sub

After i run this i get an overflow run-time error. When i try to denug
this, it seems that there is an overflow in the loop for j.
