ths very, but i take extend my thinks following :
if they are 2 cols random, not next to each other above.
how to do it, pls
ths very, but i take extend my thinks following :
if they are 2 cols random, not next to each other above.
how to do it, pls
You'll still need to pick out one of the columns that can define where that last
used row is.
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "X").End(xlUp).Row
And you'll have to adjust this to match the column that you're putting the
formula. In fact, I'd change it to something like:
Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim LastRow As Long
dim FirstCol as Long
dim SecondCol as long
dim FormCol as long
with worksheets("Sheet1")
firstcol = .range("e1").column 'I used column 5 (E)
SecondCol = .range("Z1").column 'I used column 26 (Z)
FormCol = .range("AZ1").column 'I used column 52 (AZ)
'using the first column to get the longest row
Lastrow = .cells(.rows.count,firstcol).end(xlup).row
.range(.cells(1,formcol),.cells(lastrow,formcol)).formula _
= "=" & .cells(1,firstcol).address(0,0) _
& "-" & .cells(1,secondcol).address(0,0)
end with
end sub
vumian wrote:
> ths very, but i take extend my thinks following :
> if they are 2 cols random, not next to each other above.
> how to do it, pls
> --
> vumian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> vumian's Profile:
> View this thread:
Dave Peterson
Oke, ths, it runs well.
i also get one small thing more, pls help me
Col A stores Number as Text
How to convert it from row 1 or 2 to end of 'Number as Text' to value
row 1- title is present a real text.
thanks for your help.
Last edited by vumian; 07-20-2006 at 12:06 PM.
Select an empty cell.
select column A
edit|Paste special|check addition
If you need this in your macro, record a macro and you'll see useable code.
vumian wrote:
> Oke, ths, it runs well.
> i also get one small thing more, pls help me
> Col A stores Number as Text
> How to convert it to end of 'Number as Text' ,
> row 1- title is present a real text.
> thanks for your help.
> --
> vumian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> vumian's Profile:
> View this thread:
Dave Peterson
oh,i've not ever thought it before,) so great great, you're good man , :P
thank you very much.
I think it's so cool that you help others whose first language is not
English. Way to go Dave. Yes, you are a good man. I agree with vumian.
"Dave Peterson" <> wrote in message
| Select an empty cell.
| edit|copy
| select column A
| edit|Paste special|check addition
| If you need this in your macro, record a macro and you'll see useable
| vumian wrote:
| >
| > Oke, ths, it runs well.
| >
| > i also get one small thing more, pls help me
| >
| > Col A stores Number as Text
| > How to convert it to end of 'Number as Text' ,
| > row 1- title is present a real text.
| >
| > thanks for your help.
| >
| > --
| > vumian
| > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| > vumian's Profile:
| > View this thread:
| --
| Dave Peterson
There are lots of people in these groups that help people--no matter what the
OP's mother tongue is--be it English, VBA or even binary <vbg>.
Chris wrote:
> I think it's so cool that you help others whose first language is not
> English. Way to go Dave. Yes, you are a good man. I agree with vumian.
> --
> Chris
> "Dave Peterson" <> wrote in message
> | Select an empty cell.
> | edit|copy
> | select column A
> | edit|Paste special|check addition
> |
> | If you need this in your macro, record a macro and you'll see useable
> code.
> |
> | vumian wrote:
> | >
> | > Oke, ths, it runs well.
> | >
> | > i also get one small thing more, pls help me
> | >
> | > Col A stores Number as Text
> | > How to convert it to end of 'Number as Text' ,
> | > row 1- title is present a real text.
> | >
> | > thanks for your help.
> | >
> | > --
> | > vumian
> | > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | > vumian's Profile:
> | > View this thread:
> |
> | --
> |
> | Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson
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